Download PDF Garden Mosaics: 25 step-by-step projects for your outdoor room, by Becky Paton
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Garden Mosaics: 25 step-by-step projects for your outdoor room, by Becky Paton
Download PDF Garden Mosaics: 25 step-by-step projects for your outdoor room, by Becky Paton
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Book Description
Suitable for a tiny terrace or a large country expanse, the projects in Garden Mosaics show you how to decorate your outdoor space in the most charming, individual, and enduring way.
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About the Author
Becky Paton studied Public Art and Design at Chelsea School of Art in London, UK, where she specialized in mosaic making. She now works as a mosaic artist in the UK and Norway, undertaking public, community, and private art commissions. Becky also teaches and exhibits both in her home town of Oxford, UK and overseas.
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Product details
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: CICO Books; Reissue edition (February 11, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781782493303
ISBN-13: 978-1782493303
ASIN: 1782493301
Product Dimensions:
8.2 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
37 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,345,509 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Wow! This is the first -- the **first** -- non-intimidating book about homemade mosaics that I've ever seen! The photographs alone are reason enough to buy this book, for they show, step-by-simple-step, **exactly** how each item is made, from materials, to tools, to the process itself, to finished product.In fact, after reading this book and looking at the beautiful photographs, I think that I could actually **make** one of these items! That's saying plenty, because every other book I've seen on the subject scares me silly! Those other books convince me that I could never, **ever** succeed at making even the simplest mosaic.But "Garden Mosaics" author Becky Paton leads me step-by-step, beginning with the basics. For example, she tells me, with an accompanying photo, exactly when I should wear rubber gloves. Then she shows photographs of what a certain mixture will look like when I first put the ingredients together, then what it will look like during the mixing process, and finally, what the mixture will look like when it's ready to use.Step-by-step: that's exactly what I need! Without author Paton's crystal-clear photos and brief, concise instructions, I would never, ever **dream** of trying to make one of these projects on my own.So I'm keeping this book on my living-room table, and each time I look at it, my confidence grows. By golly, this time next year I'll probably be the proud owner of several projects straight outta this book! I've already picked out my first one: an elegant House Number for my gorgeous, recently remodeled, modified Victorian, late 1890's home!
Being new to mosaics, I was excited about this book. It delivers! There are many projects to do from start to finish. It shows the steps with photos for all of the projects and is pretty straight forward. The only negative is that some of the projects lack a little more information. It just needed a little bit more of information on some of the projects, such as the dragonfly. It said to use cement adhesive, but that does not spread smoothly. Is there a specific brand that I should use to get that smooth look? Still haven't found the answer. Anyway, over all this was a good book.
I really like this book. It is easy to follow and the steps are illustrated which makes it easier to learn how to do the projects. I like the fact that some of the projects are 3-D and that I was able to get ideas on how to execute them. They go from very easy to more difficult so there is something for almost everyone.
Informative great book
I love it very much but haven't tried to make anything shown in it yet; however, I do have a lot of ideas for next summer when I plan to start making some long needed changes in our yard and garden areas which total some 2 - 3 acres. I don't know if I'll live long enough to finish the project but I certainly will make a good effort to start!
I glanced through the book before giving as a gift. Looks like some fun and easy stuff there. Maybe I will pop in on my friend and see if I can help with making a project or two.
This book was very informative for people interested in the Art of making mosaics. Artfully done and with beautiful taste. Great instructions and pictures. Very creative and motivational book...
So many ideas!
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