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Product details
File Size: 7136 KB
Print Length: 274 pages
Publisher: Research & Education Association; Third Edition, Revised edition (January 17, 2013)
Publication Date: January 17, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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If you're like me, you are looking at this study guide to be able to simply pass the test and move on. If you are a Biology major, or have to continue in ANY other Biology classes after the CLEP exam, THIS STUDY GUIDE IS NOT ENOUGH. After studying for about a month and a half on and off, and very intensely for the week prior to the test I passed with a 55, my school requirement was 50. This guide is not very in depth, it is not a replacement for a text book. This will provide a general overview of all of Biology that would be covered in what I would probably consider a high school level course.To give an idea of what to expect when it comes to the CLEP exam, some of the questions are very in depth and this guide won't help you, while others are very general and are well covered in this study guide. My personal recommendation is to use this study guide along with a college level text book to be able to securely pass the exam. This study guide and the included practice tests will point you in the direction needed to study from a college text book.Again, I'm an engineering major, so I don't care the slightest about biology. This study guide alone was enough for me to barely pass. If barely passing is the goal, this MIGHT get you there, everyone has different study habits and what worked for me may not work for you. If you want to secure a passing grade on your first try, take the CLEP seriously, study seriously.
Passed my Clep today with a 59 (scaled score). Needed a 50 to get college credit. I used this and Khan academy online exclusively. I study off and on for a couple of months but feel I really could have been prepared in a couple of weeks if I had buckled down. Keep in mind I haven't taken a biology course in 17 years, so everything was unfamiliar. This book keeps things simple enough and then I would supplement with Khan academy. The Clep questios are pretty broad and I feel the sample test from this book are representative of how the real test questions are presented.
Studied this book and took the practice tests. I felt confident going into the test, but that quickly changed. I took my test in March 2017 and the material in this book did not prepare me well for the questions on the Exam. I felt I would score around 75-85, but only got a 50, which is the bare minimum for credit at my college.
So, I wanted to be a fruitful college student and save about $400 on classes and 4 months of my time with homework, so I got this book to practice for the exam and test out. Sadly the great procrastination kicked in and I did not study until a week before I was to take the exam. When I took the first preliminary test I scored terribly as I rightly should have, however after I studied out of this book and some Crash Course Biology and Ecology from Youtube. I took the practice tests again and got about 100 on them missing about 4 questions. So I felt pretty good and took the actual CLEP exam. Oh man did my smile turn upside down when we got to the real questions. They were about 5 times harder than the practice ones in this book and they did not even look to similar with just shear impossibility written all over it. In the real CLEP exam they ask you about chemistry and show you actual molecules and atoms assembled together and then they ask, which is this, which this practice book does not go over at all. However in the end I still got a 58 out of 80, which is passing for my school. However talk about stress from this.
This CLEP prep book was really helpful, but it was not the only source I used. I used this book with a combination of other resources like DIVE, Instantcert, online videos, and Baron's AP bio book. I also spent about a month preparing for the CLEP exam (about 1-2 hours a day & extensive studying the weekend before I took it). I was able to pass with a 53. I had similar scores with the practice tests that REA provided. I also reviewed my answers to make sure I understood the material. REA's CLEP biology book was a very helpful resource, and the practice tests helped a lot. One thing that this book did not cover as much as were the charts/graphs/case studies that were on the CLEP. Also, make sure to understand concepts, not just definitions. Good luck! :)
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